A collection of meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous in San Francisco for recovering alcoholics who prefer an alternative to the emphasis on religion and Higher Power commonly encountered in most A.A. meetings.

"The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking." - The Third Tradition

WHY an Agnostics and Freethinkers group? 
Bill W. wrote in the AA Grapevine in 1965: “the full individual liberty to practice any creed or principle or therapy whatever should be a first consideration for us all.  Let us not, therefore, pressure anyone with our individual or even collective views.”

This group is an expression of some of us who may not necessarily feel comfortable with all the beliefs of AA, such as the reliance upon a higher power.  It is not our desire to preach or to alter anyone’s beliefs.  We wish to remain open to all beliefs and practices which help each one of us to achieve and maintain sobriety.

and Freethinkers

and Others

Frequently Asked Questions

Agnostic Links:
NYC Agnostics

World-Wide agnostic meetings
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The book Alcoholics Anonymous

Chapter 4-pdf
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never-ending meeting
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